At Cleanworks the health and safety of our Customers and Employees is our top priority. For this reason, we are unable to service locations that have – within the last 48 hours – been occupied by anyone that:

  • has been sick or diagnosed with COVID-19; or
  • has been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19; or
  • has been the subject of a required quarantine.

If any of these apply, please be sure to schedule your appointment to occur at least 48 hours after these circumstances have been (or will be) resolved. 

Expert Carpet Cleaning and Water Damage Restoration Services

Carpet Protection FAQ

Carpet Protection FAQ

Van-mounted hot water extraction is the industry standard for carpet cleaning.

However the pertinent question is ‘In south central Indiana, Which company that uses hot water extraction with van-mounted equipment is the best?’

Learn the best questions to ask in this article.

It is possible to damage carpet during the cleaning process, either from over-wetting, the use of improper cleaning agents, or the use of improper cleaning equipment.

Carpet is one of the more expensive single items you will purchase for your home. It makes sense to be diligent about its maintenance.

Learn more in this article.

A:  Unlike some other cleaning methods that can leave behind soil-attracting residues, our cleaning program will actually extend the life and appearance of the carpet. 

A: Carpet manufacturers recommend daily vacuuming to remove particulate soil. Consider removing your shoes in the house to also minimize particulate soil. Also, we can re-apply fiber protection to your carpet. Time and traffic cause the protection your carpet originally had to wear off. 

A:  The cleaning technician doing the work is the key to safe and effective cleaning.  Dry powder cleaning can use harsh chemical solvents mixed with gritty products that can build up in your carpet causing excessive soiling and indoor air pollution.  Carbonated chemical dry cleaning with a bonnet uses an abrasive spinning pad that can cause carpet to lose its texture and appearance.  Dry foam cleaning uses optical brighteners to “hide”, not remove soil, leaving a chemical residue.  Rapid re-soiling and an unhealthy indoor environment can result from high residues with these methods.

A:  Our cleaning depends primarily upon natural hot water and high extraction.  We thus eliminate the need for excessive and aggressive chemicals, solvents, and harsh scrubbing.  We use Tests have proven that our method leaves the absolute least amount of residue so there is no threat of premature wear, contamination, or re-soiling.  We only use professional bio-degradable agents that are safe for us, for our customer, and easy on our environment.

A:  We know choosing a cleaner is important to you.  We are committed to providing the best job in town.  We guarantee our work.  We are internationally trained and certified.  We attend professional schools to keep up with the latest in cleaning techniques.  Most importantly, we treat our customers as friends.  We want you to be satisfied and feel confident enough to refer us to your neighbors.

Q: We are definitely concerned with the safety of your pets and kids. But we are also concerned about the safety of our team. For that reason, we only use cleaning agents that are safe for use. Keep in mind, too, that our cleaning method leaves virtually no residue behind.

A: We guaranty that you will be absolutely satisfied with our professional cleaning services or we will re-clean for free – no service charge, no questions asked.

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