At Cleanworks the health and safety of our Customers and Employees is our top priority. For this reason, we are unable to service locations that have – within the last 48 hours – been occupied by anyone that:

  • has been sick or diagnosed with COVID-19; or
  • has been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19; or
  • has been the subject of a required quarantine.

If any of these apply, please be sure to schedule your appointment to occur at least 48 hours after these circumstances have been (or will be) resolved. 

Expert Carpet Cleaning and Water Damage Restoration Services

Odor Removal FAQ

Odor Removal FAQ

A: We regularly remove problem odors caused by tobacco, skunk, cooking odor, fire damage, and urine contamination. These problems each require different techniques, processes and odor removal products.

A: There are at least 3 different ways of removing odor. They are masking agents, pairing agents, and encapsulants. Some problems require a combination of these different techniques.

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